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Chick 65 December 1973 [UPD]

Finally, after about two months, the females return from the sea, bringing food they regurgitate, or bring up, to feed the now hatched chicks. The males eagerly leave for their own fishing session at sea, and the mothers take over care of the chicks for a while.

Chick 65 December 1973

As the young penguins grow, adults leave them in groups of chicks called crèches while they leave to fish. There is a reason for the timing of emperor penguins' hatching. By December, when the Antarctic weather has warmed somewhat, the ice the penguins occupy begins to break up, bringing open waters closer to the nesting sites. Now the chicks are old enough to take to the seas and fish for their own food.

The summer of 1973, only a few weeks before I turned 13, my family moved to a small town in eastern Oregon. We lived a couple blocks from the park and swimming pool where my first weekend in town I saw Sam at a swim meet. If he were here today, he wo

"Eventually, we're gonna have to top even ourselves to stay in the competition," Cooper says, looking to the future. "The time will come when some chick'll have to get raped onstage, or somebody will have to be really killed to 'get' the audience. Sex and violence are the only things left that turn kids on. That's what they want, that's what they'll pay to see."

A sensitive method for assaying aggregation of dissociated cells has been developed which allows the determination of the mean number of cells per aggregate of a cell population. We have demonstrated that exposure of dissociated 6- or 7-day chick embryo neural retinal cells to trypsin in calcium-free solution renders them unable to aggregate for a half hour in stirred cell suspensions. Aggregation was noticeable first at 30 to 40 minutes and, progressed to the formation of massive compact aggregates. Because the half-hour aggregation lag occurred both in the absence of serum and in medium reclaimed from aggregated preparations, the possibilities were excluded that it was due either to an inhibitor of aggregation in the serum, or was the time required for release into the medium of soluble aggregation-promoting materials emanating from the cells themselves. Cells dissociated by divalent cation withdrawal (Ca++, Mg++-free saline with EDTA) aggregated without a lag. The trypsin-induced lag does not appear to be the result of trypsin adsorbed to the, surfaces of dissociated cells, as the lag is not abolished by addition of trypsin inhibitors to the aggregation medium. Microelectrophoresis of dissociated cells did not reveal changes in surface charge density during recovery from trypsinization. A variety of proteins and calcium ion, if present during trypsinization, protect the cells against the trypsin-induced aggregation lag. If the temperature was reduced from 37 to 6C, aggregation of fully adhesive cell populations came to a complete halt within 2 to 3 minutes. Aggregation resumed with a 5 to 10 minute delay when the temperature was returned to 37C. The rapidity of onset and reversal of inhibition of aggregation by low temperature treatment militates against the hypothesis that the low-temperature inhibition of aggregation acts by suppressing the synthesis of cell surface components necessary for adhesion. The abolition of the aggregation lag in trypsinized cells was also shown to be temperature-dependent; a 20-minute cold, pulse administered in the middle of the lag period extended the length of the lag by exactly 20 minutes.

to chuck pollock i know of only one underground bunker at long binh it had a basketball court and a latrine painted white which we called the white house is that the one you were talking about.i was statined with the 535th sig co in 1972 to 1973

Hello. The reason I am reaching out to you is because I am looking for my father. My name is Kim Nguyen and I was born in Vietnam to a Vietnamese mother and American father. All I know about my father was that he was a pilot during the war. I was born there in 1973. My mother refused to give me any information on my father, not even a name. I am reaching out to try and find someone that may be able to help me find him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. My father stationed in Long Bình Vietnam. My mother worked at long binh hospital. My dad probably return home to USA 1972. If anyone knows please share

30. Richard Hirsch andJoseph J. Trento, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NewYork: Praeger Publishers, 1973), pp.108-09; "Space Goals Put Strainon Budget," New York Times, 5 Nov. 1962; Jonathan Spivak, "ApolloArgument: Critics Seem Unlikely to Alter Moon-Shot Program," WallStreet Journal, 20 May 1963; James E. Webb to the president, 30 Oct.1962.

47. Ibid., pp. 21-1 to 21-46, Karol J. Bobko interview,18 Aug. 1975, Bobko, "Skylab Medical Experiments Altitude Test CrewObservations," ASME pub. 73-ENAs-30, paper presented at theIntersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, 16-19July 1973.

33. MSFC, "Skylab Student Project Summary Description,"Mar. 1973, Floyd interview, Henry B. Floyd, "Introduction to theSession on Skylab Student Science," 20th Annual Meeting of theAmerican Astronautical Society, Los Angeles, 20-22 Aug. 1974.

44. NASA, NASA Investigation Board Report on the InitialFlight Anomalies of Skylab 1, on May 14, 1973, 13 July 1973, pp.4-1-4-3, Barnett, "Skylab Experiments Processing," p. 9 KSC, "DTS4-Week Composite Schedule," 2 Oct. 1972.

52. KSC, Launch Ops. Dir., "Skylab Daily Status Report,"2-31 Jan. 1973; Schneider to prog. Offs., "Skylab Planning," 22 Jan.1973; Myers to Fletcher, "Rescheduling of Skylab I Workshop Launch,"24 Jan. 1973; Space Business Daily, 22 Jan. 1973.

1. NASA, NASAInvestigation Board Report on the Initial Flight Anomalies of Skylab1 on May 14, 1973 table 11-4, OMSF, Skylab Mission Operation Report,M-960-73, pp. 8-11; MSFC, "A Narrative Account of the Role Played bythe NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in the Skylab 1 & 2Emergency Operations, May 14-June 22,1973," 24 June 1973, p. 3; JohnNoble Wilford, "Space Station in Orbit, but Malfunction PerilsAstronaut Launch Today," New York Times, 15 May 1973, p. 1; ThomasO'Toole, "Skylab Crew Launch Put Off by Power Loss," Washington Post,15 May 1973, p. 1; William Schneider and William Green, Jr., "SavingSkylab," Technology Review, Jan. 1974, pp. 43-45.

50. David C. Schultz,Robert R. Kain, and R. Scott Millican, "Skylab ExtravehicularActivity," American Astronautical Society 74-120, presented at 20thAnnual Meeting, Los Angeles, 20-22 Aug.1974, Schweickart interview.Skylab officials reviewed the procedure for newsmen at severalbriefings between 4 and 6 June. In particular see JSC medicalbriefing, 6 June 1973, 2:34 p.m. CDT, which included a detaileddescription by Schweickart.

8. Schneider,"Air-to-Ground Recorded Tapes," memo for record, 7 June 1973;Donnelly, "Release of Raw Medical Data, Channel B Transcript,"attached to Myers memo, "Release of Voice Data Dump," 30 May1973.

10. Donnelly toFletcher, "Private Conversations and All That Stuff," 29 July 1973.Negotiation of public information plans with the Soviets is discussedin Edward C. Ezell and Linda N. Ezell, ThePartnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz TestProject, NASA SP-4209 (Washington,1978), pp. 234-44.

15. "Change of ShiftBriefing," 6:47 p.m. CDT, 28 May 1973, pp.6B/1-6C/2; "Skylab 2Mission Commentary," pp. 190/1-190/2, 214/3, 239/1 244/3, "Skylab 1/2Onboard Voice Transcription," pp. 188, 234-35; JSC Skylab MissionReport, First Visit, JSC-08414, pp. 4-11, 4-12. During thechange-of-shift briefing the doctor indicated that Weitz hadcompleted the full exercise on 28 May, a statement contradicted bythe air-to-ground testimony of Kerwin and the postmission results.Researchers should verify information in the news briefings since theparticipants were dealing with a fast-changing situation andsometimes had incomplete information.

15. George Low,"Replacement of Skylab Sun Shield," memo for record, 18 June 1973;David C. Schultz, Robert R. Kain, and R. Scott Millican, "SkylabExtravehicular Activity," AAS 74-120 presented at the AmericanAstronautical Society 20th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles 20-22 Aug.1974, pp. 10-14.

3. JSC Public AffairsOff., "Skylab 4 Launch Delay Press Conference," transcript of pressconference at KSC, 7 Nov. 1973; idem, "Skylab 4 Announcement ofSecond Launch Slip," transcript of press conference at KSC, 12 Nov.1973; "Skylab 4 Launch Status Report," transcript of press conferenceat KSC, 13 Nov. 1973; "Close Teamwork Pays in Repairs," SpaceportNews, 21 Nov. 1973; Thomas O'Toole, "Skylab 111 [sic] CountdownRunning," Washington Post, 14 Nov. 1973.

4. Kenneth S.Kleinknecht to Skylab Prog. Dir., "Medical Action Items," 6 Nov.1973; George M.Low to assoc. adm. for MSF, "Use of Scop-Dexon Skylab4," 2 0ct. 1973; Dale D.Myers to dep. adm., "Anti-Motion SicknessMedication on Skylab 4," 11 Oct. 1973; Schneider to Kleinknecht,"Action Items from Administrator's Skylab Medical Review of August22, 1973," TWX, 31 Aug. 1973, Edward G. Gibson interview, 5 July1977.

8. Onboard, pp. 96-103;Air-to-ground, p.54. Henry S. F. Cooper, A House in Space (New York,1976), p. 37, reports this incident somewhat differently. We haveattributed the quotes as they are in Onboard. The transcript made bythe JSC Public Affairs Office attributes "between you me, and thecouch" to Pogue and the final quote to Carr. We did not listen to thetapes to attempt to settle the matter. For one other discrepancybetween these transcripts, see n. 48. Gibson, interviewed 5 July1977, recalled that he and Carr could imagine the consternationPogue's illness would cause and the delay their mission would sufferas a result of the doctors' determination to do something about it.In view of their desire to get on with the mission, they concludedthat their best course was to save the bag, process it, and reportthe affair after the mission was over-assuming that Pogue hadrecovered by the morning of 17 November. None of this, however, isreflected in the transcripts of tapes from the onboard recorder. Amemo filed with the Right director's handover notes (prepared by eachretiring flight director for his relief) records that the astronauts'"feeling of undue concern about what reactions the report of theemesis would generate resulted in the report delay. The emesis wassaved contrary to earlier deliberations to dismiss the significanceof the emesis." Jerry R. Hordinsky, "Mission Surgeon's Daily Reporton Crew Health," 17 Nov. 1973. Later that day, the flight director(Neil Hutchinson) of the Silver team noted the discovery of theincident in the channel B transcripts, commenting that the crew "havebeen chastized [sic] at privacomm med [private communication,medical] & I get to tell the press about the entire incidenttonight." Unsigned undated notes, "Handover, Silver [to] Bronze," in"Skylab Flight Directors' Handover Notes, Day 316 to 340," from JSCFlight Operations Directorate. 041b061a72


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