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The Be-Careful 2012 Full Movie Download Free

If you are obtaining "free" clip art off of the Internet, be sure to abide by the terms of use, if any. Many sites that advertise "free" clip art place significant restrictions on the use of those images. For example, some clip art sites prohibit users from downloading the images, altering the images, or using them for commercial purposes. Others limit the number of images a user may download or provide license forms for anything more than a minimal use. Look for the "Terms of Use" or "Copyright and Use Information" pages on the site you are visiting and review those terms before using the site's clip art.

The Be-Careful 2012 Full Movie Download Free

The term Open Educational Resources (OER) was first introduced at a conference hosted by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2000, and was promoted in the context of providing free access to educational resources on a global scale. The MCCCD Maricopa Millions OER Project defines OER as "teaching, learning, and research resources that are copyright-free or have been released under a copyright license that permits others to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute them. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world."

The fact that the law authorizes such limited use of copyrighted materials, though, does not allow a student in these classes to freely download, copy, or re-transmit the works. They are intended solely for use by the institution in connection with distance or online instruction. Any other use would likely constitute a violation of copyright law.

The quality of automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been improving steadily with technological advances. The history of ASR-based CALL dates back to the end of the last century (Aist, 1999; Bernstein, Najmi, & Esani, 1999; Strick, 2012, p. 10), when there were experiments with prototype systems, notably FLUENCY (Eskenazi, 1999), a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) system which used carefully constructed output, free of explicit prompting, to elicit an oral response which was confined to a very narrow range of possibilities. But progress in this area has been rapid, and there are now several commercial systems (Witt, 2012, p. 5) which can evaluate speech with a good correlation to the judgement of human assessors (Bernstein, Van Moere, & Cheng, 2010; Zechner et al., 2014). These, and other systems under development (Penning de Vries, Cucchiarini, Bodnar, Strik, & van Hout, 2015; van Doremalen, Boves, Colpaert, Cucchiarini, & Strik, 2016) attempt to evaluate grammar and content in addition to pronunciation.

The uses of ASR are not confined to CALL, of course. One company which has been developing ASR for its own various purposes, and is among the leaders in the field, is Google. The ability to perform a Google search by voice alone became available on iPhone in 2008. It has since been greatly extended and improved, now being available in over 80 languages. Google fully opened its Speech API, which gives direct access to its speech recognition capabilities, to developers for use in their applications on a commercial basis in 2016 ( ). However, a free tier of indirect access to basic ASR functions using JavaScript calls from the Google Chrome browser has been available since the release of version 25 in 2013. This enables speech-to-text conversion within the browser, and so offers the interesting possibility of browser-based CALL incorporating ASR. In order to implement this in as useful a way as possible, it was decided by the author to attempt the development of a very flexible system which could be used with ease by anybody, without JavaScript knowledge, to make their own ASR-based CALL material for Internet deployment. The system has been successfully implemented and made freely available, and is described in detail in this paper.

The system can be downloaded from The zip file includes the HTML file and images folder, which contains all the image files used in the user interface. These may left unchanged, though teachers are free to make their own customizations by editing the HTML file or replacing any image files with their own. The controlling text file used in the online example is also included. The teacher will need to edit this, or make a new one, to set up new material. The author also gives permission for teachers to make modified versions of the system for educational use by editing the HTML or JavaScript, provided they do not claim the original or modified system as their own work.


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