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Smoothies for a Healthy Breakfast


Some people avoid a cleanse because they think that doing a cleanse has to be a difficult task filled with nasty tasting recipes. But there are some fantastic recipes for smoothies that you can use for multiple health benefits.


These recipes don’t call for the use of strange items or hard to find ingredients. Instead, you’ll be using natural foods that are loaded with vitamins and minerals. You’ll use foods such as fruits or leafy green vegetables that you can blend together for a delicious taste.


Plus, as you lose weight, you’ll lose inches. What a lot of people like about these recipes is that they help you shed the pounds, and provide Nutritional Facts per servicing.


You’ll learn to love this healthier way of eating. In the book, you’ll find recipes, along with tips to use to help you reach the milestones you’ve set for yourself. The book is packed with a lot of advice that can help your overall health, too.

For The Love Of Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

SKU: Cookbook
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