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A New Me.Club

Headache Remedies for Natural Relief

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Headache Remedies for Natural Relief | A New Me.Club
Headache Remedies for Natural Relief

Having frequent headaches can range from being a nuisance to affecting your ability to function. Modern medicine's typical response is to take pain killers or prescription drugs. However, there are also some natural ways to relieve a headache. You don't have to rely on traditional medicines if you don't want to.

A warning is in order before we get to any of those methods. This article is not meant to be medical advice. You should always consult your doctor before trying to treat any health condition, including headaches. Now we've cleared the legal advice issue, let's look at a few natural remedies.

Cold or Heat Therapy

Cold or heat therapy is one of the oldest natural ways to relieve a headache. Placing a cold pack on the head, face or neck can lessen the severity of a headache, but don't use anything that's too cold as that can make the headache worse. Heat can be applied in the same way, and excessive heat should be avoided as well. Everybody is different, so you may need to see which temperature works best for you.

Pressure Points

The body is covered with pressure points that affect other parts of the body. You can find pressure points that will help alleviate headaches. They can be found on the temples, the bridge of your nose, the hairline, the crook of your arm, your back and certain parts of your feet. Using a bit of trial and error, you should be able to zero in on the areas that bring you the most relief; however, if you want to be more precise then you can find information that shows you exactly where to apply pressure.


Aromatherapy can provide relief to your headaches, but you need to be careful. The reason is that some people are highly sensitive to certain scents, and they could end up making your headache worse. On the other hand, there are sure to be some aromas that soothe and clam you and lessen your headache pain. Two popular aromatherapy essential oils for the treatment of headaches are eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil.

Other Tips

Staying in good health isn't always the easiest thing to do, but it can definitely help control your headaches. After all, what could be better than preventing them in the first place?

Make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day, eat right, exercise on a regular basis, practice stress reduction techniques and get a good night's sleep.

The best thing about all of these natural ways to relieve a headache is that they can be done right now. Plus you can stop taking pain killers and adding unhealthy chemicals to your body.

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