CGAxis ? Volume 109 ? Trees 3D Models Collection High Quality
Trees 3D Models Collection Volume 109 by CGAxis is a set of 40 deciduous trees in summer season. It contains 3d models of trees in various size and shapes with the species such as: american beech, american hornbeam, scotch elm, champion oak, pin oak, tulip tree, silver maple and japanese maple.
CGAxis – Volume 109 – Trees 3D Models Collection
All models in this collection are prepared for 3ds max 2010 or higher (V-Ray, Mental Ray, Corona, Scanline), Cinema 4D R15 or higher (V-Ray, Advanced Renderer), Unreal Engine, FBX and OBJ file formats.
Set of 40 deciduous trees in summer season. It contains 3d models of trees in various size and shapes with the species such as: american beech, american hornbeam, scotch elm, champion oak, pin oak, tulip tree, silver maple and japanese maple.